We have more than 20 years of expertise to put at your disposal in 3 key areas: company turnaround and restructuring, financial and tax advice, IT consulting.
Are you looking to incorporate in an EU member state? We can assist you in creating your own company in Portugal, where you can benefit from a simplified and well developed company incorporation and banking system with competitve costs. 

Business Consulting

Whatever problems your business may be facing, we can offer independent advice. Sometimes a foreign look at your business may be sufficient to target defficiencies and provide you with alternate approaches. Furthermore, our experience in many business areas and in different stages of business development will surely help us provide added value and good advice.


We can help you diagnose the problems in your business, offering a new perspective on your company. This approach often provides better and faster results than those self-diagnostic may bring you. 


We can help you solving problems on your company, either those identified by you or the issues raised by our own diagnostic, using the same approach of a distanced point-of-view that your own company will seldom allow you.


A proper restructuring is only finished when the problems are effectively tackled. With our business expertise we will help you expedite this phase bringing our own experience to the table.


We also have pedigree in starting-up companies. Either if you want to recheck your business model or if you're a foreign investor wishing to incorporate in Portugal, you can count on us providing you with good hacks and solutions.

Financial Consuting

The complexity of today's financial solutions and ever-changing regulation make it much more difficult for the non-professional investor to strive. We can provide you with specialist independent analysis of financial solutions on an ad-hoc basis or better yet, provide you with a full suite of advisory for your business, family office or personal protfolio.


We are able to provide you with independent financial advice, helping you choose the best solutions for the outcomes you desire. 


Our pricing policy will never be dependant on the types of products you subscribe or the risk profile of your account.This guarantees a total alignment of intersts.

Tax Efficient

Our scenarios will always aim to provide you with the best solutions in terms of taxation. There's no point in a good strategy if the tax will take away most of it.


We favour a continuous approach to financial advice, instead of one-off financial diagnostics. In a world constantly changing, businesses and investments must be flexible.

IT Consulting

Information Technology is constantly changing and many businesses and household still do not embrace all that technology has to offer to enhance productivity and confort. 

Web Development

We have experience in web development that can be used for b2c/b2b solutions, but also for internal cloud-based solutions. Take our business to the next level.


Proper networking solutions can make your company much more responsive to the competitve world's challenges. From cloud computing to simpler multi station solutions, we can help you find what's best and deliver.

Small/Mid Office Solutions

We can help you build Hardware and Software infrastructure for your company. Here, scalability is the key. Our team can help you from procurment to full setup of your business in terms of IT. Our solutions are always tailor made and can help you wether you're a startup or an already established business.